BEAZ, SAU, created in 1987, is a Provincial Public Company, whose share capital is 100% owned by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and is attached to the Department of Economic Promotion, whose corporate purpose consists of carrying out all those activities necessary to the advancedment, development and furtherance of the competitiveness of companies, for the creation and maintenance of quality jobs and, in general, to make Bizkaia an innovative, creative, dynamic and entrepreneurial territory in which competitiveness and social cohesion constitute the guarantee of the present and future well-being of the society of Bizkaia.

BEAZ staff photography

Promoting the generation of greater and better economic activity in the territory, BEAZ strengthens the relationship with entrepreneurs, companies, investment agents, knowledge generation centers and clusters or sectoral associations.

2023 data


People on staff


Managed files


Supported companies


Incubated companies


Beaz is the provincial entity dependent on the Department of Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, which works for the growth of economic activity and the creation of quality employment in Bizkaia, through the promotion of new innovative business initiatives, contributing to improving the competitiveness of existing companies in Bizkaia and the attraction of new capabilities and investments to the territory.

We accompany entrepreneurs and companies by providing added value services and relational capital, combining various instruments that respond to their growth, innovation and internationalization challenges, establishing ourselves as the reference agent in the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem of Bizkaia.

We collaborate in the definition, development and management of the aid programs of the Department of Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia that support companies and entrepreneurs.


To strengthen ourselves as a leading agent of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem of Bizkaia, contributing to the definition and consolidation of more innovative projects, of higher quality, that generate qualified employment in the territory, with work dynamics that allow us to keep up with reality and the needs of companies and different sectors (competitive intelligence), seeking and facilitating opportunities at a local and international level and taking care of territorial balance.

Within the framework of this vision, lies:

  • Deepening the knowledge of the business fabric by carrying out and maintaining over time an exhaustive analysis of the reality of the companies in Bizkaia that allows making decisions regarding the provision of services, and cooperation with agents of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. This entails intensifying contact and relationships with companies in Bizkaia and other agents in the ecosystem.
  • Approaching entrepreneurship from a broad and long-term perspective, contributing to the promotion of entrepreneurial culture in educational centers and in society in general and accompanying projects from their conception to their consolidation in the market.
  • Contributing to the definition and consolidation of innovative, quality projects that generate qualified employment in the territory, with work dynamics that allow us to be up to date with the reality and needs of companies and different sectors (competitive intelligence). , seeking and facilitating opportunities at a local and international level and taking care of the territorial balance, strengthening ourself as a reference agent of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem of Bizkaia.
  • Betting on open innovation, facilitating the development of this strategy for companies and entrepreneurial people, but also internally, as a way to permanently innovate and strengthen ourself as a leading agent for entrepreneurship and innovation in the Basque Country.
  • Promoting the presence of BEAZ in international nodes and participating in projects as a source of knowledge and innovation for the development of new local services.
  • Taking care of the territorial balance by developing permanent cooperation work with local entities, offering complementary services and support that reinforce the leadership of these structures to facilitate the definition and development of innovative projects in the different areas of Bizkaia.

Our values

  • The know-how acquired since its foundation.
  • The training and learning capacity and the proactive attitude of the staff and the organization.
  • Independence in decision-making, based on criteria of professionalism.
  • The willingness to work in collaboration with agents and organizations.
  • The concern to maintain fluid communication adapted to the specificities of the interest groups.
  • The attention and accessibility to organizations and people related to the field of innovation in Bizkaia.
  • The commitment to protecting the environment through the prevention or mitigation of adverse environmental impacts.
  • The commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions.