BIC Bizkaia Ezkerraldea’s main objective is to support the creation, diversification and consolidation of companies in order to generate wealth and employment in Ezkerraldea, Meatzaldea and Enkarterri.
It has the support of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Basque Government, through the Basque Business Development Agency, SPRI, which as partners of the entity offer all their aid programs to entrepreneurs and companies.
For whom?
BIC Bizkaia Ezkerraldea is aimed at:
- Entrepreneurial people who have a business project that they want to carry out in Ezkerraldea, Meatzaldea and Enkarterri.
- Startups and companies whose headquarters are located in one of the municipalities of Ezkerraldea, Meatzaldea and Enkarterri.
We support you through

More than 7,000 m2 of facilities with 2,500 m2 dedicated to the 50 business modules that the incubator houses, of different sizes, as well as spaces for common use such as an assembly hall, training classrooms, meeting rooms, entrepreneurship rooms and parking.

Qualified team, with extensive experience in the creation and consolidation of innovative projects in Ezkerraldea, Meatzaldea and Enkarterri.

Advice and support in carrying out the business plan, searching for financing and training.

Search for financing, development of new innovative activities and internationalization.