
Incubation, acceleration or networking spaces, which are complemented with tailored services so that entrepreneurs and companies can create and grow new innovative business ideas.

Incubation spaces

Incubation spaces

Incubation spaces offer entrepreneurs or emerging startups the infrastructure and support services for the start-up phase of their business.

Acceleration spaces

Acceleration spaces

The acceleration spaces offer startups or SMEs the opportunity to interact within the framework of a global offer of services and specialized conferences, with a special focus on promoting collaboration and open innovation.

BEAZ rooms

Beaz Rooms

We make our ideal spaces available to companies and entrepreneurs to hold meetings and events in order to promote networking, the exchange of knowledge, the generation of ideas or the dissemination of projects, in the field of innovation and industries. creative.

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How can we help?

We work to make it easier for you to find help, guide you in your project or put you in contact with specialized advisors.

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