BIC Bizkaia is an incubator specialized in bio-micro-nano technologies, advanced manufacturing and clean technologies, promoted by the Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and managed by Beaz.

For whom?

BIC Bizkaia is aimed at entrepreneurs, startups or companies that have a project or develop an activity in one of the incubator’s areas of specialization: Biotechnology, medical technologies or advanced manufacturing areas.

We support you through

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6000 m2 of facilities equipped with the latest technology in the field of laboratories and workshops, as well as various spaces for common use.

Qualified team with extensive experience in supporting the creation and consolidation of new innovative-based business projects.

Access to a wide range of support services for starting the company, in areas such as finance, organization and talent or marketing and communication.

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Great offer of conferences: thematic talks, company presentations, networking events…


Astondoa bidea, building nº612
Bizkaia Science and Technology Park
48160 Derio – BIZKAIA


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