We are pleased to announce the launch of a new initiative aimed at startups based in Bizkaia. It aims to send five startups from our region to the international event WEB SUMMIT LISBON 2024, which is regarded as one of the world’s leading technology and entrepreneurship events. It will be held from 11 to 14 November 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. If selected, the participating startups will have access to the Startup Programme offered by WSL2024, which includes:

  • Access to the Web Summit
  • Mentoring service or personalised advice (speed dating).
  • Servicio de mentoría o asesoramiento personalizado (speed dating).
  • Chance to send the startup’s pitch deck or presentation to the event’s panel of investors.
  • Access to masterclass events.
  • Participation in a pitch or presentation competition.
  • Access to the WSL2024 app and contacts.
  • Social events and activities.

In addition, a grant of up to 1000 euros per startup will be available to cover part of the travel and accommodation expenses.

Selection Criteria

  • Startups up to 10 years old since their creation, with at least 2 employees.
  • Innovative value propositions with a special focus on digital technologies, such as AI, Quantum, IoT, or others.
  • MVP already validated with certain market metrics.
  • In the stage of defining an investment round.
  • A promotional team to attend the event.

How can I participate?

Para participar, deberás presentar tu candidatura antes del próximo 27 de septiembre, 12:00am. Es indispensable rellenar el formulario de aplicación e incluir vuestro último deck o presentación actualizada.

Application form

Startup data

Drag your file or click to upload it

Details of the person who will participate in the programme


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